Mary Black - Коллекция

Коллекция лучших песен Мэри Блэк - ирландской певицы, исполнительницы фолка и кантри. В альбом вошли 20 треков, включая хиты "No Frontiers", "Katie", "Song for Ireland" и другие. Отличный выбор для любителей мелодичной и душевной музыки.
Количество отзывов: 0
Mary Black - Коллекция
Mary Black - 14 альбомов
Mary Black - золотой голос Ирландии, законодательница фолковой моды и вообще чрезвычайно заслуженная певица.
Она родилась в 1955 году в музыкальной семье: отец - скрипач, мать - певица; трое её братьев создали свою музыкальную группу - The Black Family, а сестра - Франческа - предпочла сольную карьеру.
Мэри начала выступать в конце 70-х, присоединившись в качестве вокалистки к одной ирландской фолк-группе. Уже в 1982 году она записывает свой первый сольный альбом Mary Black (1982), который неплохо держится в чартах и в итоге становится золотым. В 83 году Блэк совершает европейское и североамериканское турне, а в 84 и 85 выходят её новые альбомы: Collected (1984) и Without the Fanfare (1985). В 1987 году она выпускает альбом, быстро доросший до мультиплатинового - By the Time it Gets Dark (1987).
IRMA (ассоциация звукозаписывающих и прочих музыкальных организаций Ирландии) называет её Певицей года в 1986 и 1987.
Мэри Блэк закрепляет свой успех в 1989 году - альбом No Frontiers (1989) взрывает чарты, становится трижды платиновым, около года держится в ирландском Топ-30 и становится чрезвычайно популярным в Соединенных Штатах.
В 90-х годах Мэри записывает ещё несколько альбомов (Babes in the Wood (1991) - шесть недель на первом месте в ирландских чартах, Circus (1996), Shine (1997), Speaking With The Angel -1999), активно гастролирует. Тогда же выходят её сборники, включая известнейший Song For Ireland (1998). В 1995 году она участвует в записи альбома Joan Baez - Ring Them Bell.
В 2003 году Мэри Блэк выпускает свой первый лайв Mary Black Live (2003).
Интересный факт: голос Мэри Блэк настолько чистый, что один из журналов, посвященных Hi-Fi оборудованию использует её записи для сравнения качества звучания различной высококлассной аудиовоспроизводящей аппаратуры.

Мэри замужем за Joe O’Reilly, у неё двое сыновей и одна дочь.
Её сын Дэнни, продолжая семейную традицию, играет в популярной ирландской рок-группе The Coronas.
-очень вольный перевод с википедии-

Without the Fanfare (1985) - 320 kbps

Лейбл: DARA (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 48 минут
1. Mary Black - There's A Train That Leaves Tonight (3:58)
2. Mary Black - State Of Heart (4:34)
3. Mary Black - Nightime (3:28)
4. Mary Black - The Crow In The Cradle (3:49)
5. Mary Black - Greatest Dream (4:35)
6. Mary Black - The Water Is Wide (3:58)
7. Mary Black - Ellis Island (5:16)
8. Mary Black - Strange Thing (3:30)
9. Mary Black - Without The Fanfare (5:07)
10. Mary Black - As I Leave Behind Neidin (3:29)
11. Mary Black - Diamond Days (3:12)
12. Mary Black - Going Gone (3:38)

"This was the album that heralded Mary's transition from singing purely traditional and roots-based songs to tackling a broader range of material. A variety of fresh influences started to colour the songs she chose and the way she performed them. It was also the first time that she recorded with what she now calls her big sound, the full electric-acoustic band that backs her on tour and in the studio..."
Malcolm Steward
By The Time It Gets Dark (1986) - 320 kbps

Лейбл: DARA (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 42 минуты
1. Mary Black - By the time it gets dark (3:49)
2. Mary Black - Schooldays over (2:58)
3. Mary Black - Once in a very blue moon (2:38)
4. Mary Black - Farewell farewell (2:43)
5. Mary Black - Sparks might fly (5:14)
6. Mary Black - Katie (4:42)
7. Mary Black - Leaving the land (4:16)
8. Mary Black - There is a time (2:59)
9. Mary Black - Jamie (2:47)
10. Mary Black - Leaboys lassie (2:37)
11. Mary Black - Trying to get the balance right (4:28)
12. Mary Black - Moon river (3:06)

"This disc's title track, By The Time It Gets Dark, was originally written and performed by the late Sandy Denny. The version here demonstrates Mary's uncanny ability for taking songs that really shouldn't be covered by other singers and making them sound like her own. Her sympathetic interpretation of this song more than bears comparision with the original..."
Malcolm Steward
No Frontiers (1989) - 224 kbps

Лейбл: DARA (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 41 минуты 32 секунды
1. Mary Black - No Frontiers (4:02)
2. Mary Black - Past The Point Of Rescue (3:17)
3. Mary Black - The Shadow (3:38)
4. Mary Black - Carolina Rua (2:39)
5. Mary Black - Shuffle Of The Buckled (2:39)
6. Mary Black - Columbus (5:21)
7. Mary Black - Another Day (3:54)
8. Mary Black - Fat Valley Of Pain (4:50)
9. Mary Black - I Say A Little Prayer (3:37)
10. Mary Black - Vanities (4:26)
11. Mary Black - The Fog In Monterey (3:09)

"No Frontiers begins this album, which was for some thime her most powerful statement. I wouldn't argue with anyone who said it still was, such is its impact and potency. The way in which the title track's delicate introduction gives way to Garvan Gallagher's positive statements on the bass tells you that for the next forty-two minutes your emotions are going on a thrills and spills roller coaster ride. As the song develops you can hear the determination growing in Mary's voice...
Mick Hanly's Past The Point Of Rescue winds up the tempo, its jaunty rhythm and melody lulling you into a false sense of security where you think that there's no real drama waiting round the corner. Then Donagh Long's The Shadow issues from the speakers, slamming on the rhythmic brakes, Mary's impassioned voice and Pat Crowley's piano threatening to loosen your grip on the safety rail...."

Malcolm Steward
Babes In The Wood (1991) - 224 kbps

Лейбл: DARA (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 48 минут 46 секунд
1. Mary Black - Still Believing (3:43)
2. Mary Black - Bright Blue Rose (4:04)
3. Mary Black - Golden Mile (4:16)
4. Mary Black - Babes In The Wood (4:14)
5. Mary Black - Thorn Upon The Rose (4:46)
6. Mary Black - Brand New Star (2:34)
7. Mary Black - Prayer For Love (Molenie O Lyubvi) (4:34)
8. Mary Black - Adam At The Window (4:17)
9. Mary Black - The Dimming Of The Day (3:42)
10. Mary Black - Might As Well Be A Slave (3:08)
11. Mary Black - Just Around The Corner (4:04)
12. Mary Black - The Urge For Going (5:24)

"... including the "difficult" cover version - Joni Mitchell's sombre The Urge For Going. For five minutes and twenty-two seconds I guarantee that you'll think you've died and gone to heaven. As she's done before on other albums, she makes this song appear as though it were her own, every word coming straight from her heart. Full credit to the band for its sensitive playing and to Declan Sinnott for an arrangement that sets the mood for the song ideally. Cover versions rarely approach the quality and commitment of the original performance - particularly when it was given by the song's writer, in this instance a singer of no small status for whom I have the utmost respect. However, I'm not convinced that's an invariable rule. Dare I say that this version is better than the original? Yeah, no problem...."
Malcolm Steward
The Holy Ground (1993) - 320 kbps

Лейбл: DARA (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 47 минут
1. Mary Black - Summer Sent You (4:01)
2. Mary Black - One Way Donkey Ride (3:31)
3. Mary Black - The Loving Time (4:26)
4. Mary Black - Golden Thread (4:08)
5. Mary Black - The Holy Ground (Trad.) (4:30)
6. Mary Black - Treasure Island (3:15)
7. Mary Black - The Holy Ground (3:24)
8. Mary Black - Flesh And Blood (4:10)
9. Mary Black - Dockland (4:26)
10. Mary Black - Lay Down Your Burden (3:12)
11. Mary Black - Paper Friends (4:08)
12. Mary Black - Poison Words (4:30)

"This most recent release is a superb album - so well arranged and recorded it makes Steely Dan sound like a garage band, so intimate you think Mary's singing for you alone..."
Malcolm Steward
Circus (1995) - 320 kbps

Лейбл: DARA (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 46 минут
1. Mary Black - The Circus (4:10)
2. Mary Black - In a Dream (3:39)
3. Mary Black - The Moon and St. Christopher (4:07)
4. Mary Black - Wonder Child (3:59)
5. Mary Black - All That Hammering (3:06)
6. Mary Black - Donegal Breeze (4:42)
7. Mary Black - A Stone's Throw from the Soul (3:16)
8. Mary Black - Free as Stone (3:50)
9. Mary Black - Roisin (4:10)
10. Mary Black - Into the Blue (3:02)
11. Mary Black - Gabriel (4:41)
12. Mary Black - Raven in the Storm (3:47)

"Mary Black's newest album continues in a subtle, understated vein that follows the spirit of its predecessor, The Holy Ground. There are no bloated arrangements or exaggerated vocal mannerisms to deliver an immediate rush. Instead, its emotional content and musical elegance drift slowly into your blood-stream, intoxicating you without making you aware that you're under their influence. That's not saying, of course, that the record lacks vitality or life. The first track clearly shows otherwise..."
Malcolm Steward
Looking Back (1995) - 320 kbps

Лейбл: CURB Records (USA)
Продолжительность: 49 минут
1. Mary Black - Soul Sister (4:19)
2. Mary Black - No Frontiers (3:57)
3. Mary Black - Summer Sent You (3:54)
4. Mary Black - Columbus (5:12)
5. Mary Black - Adam At The Window (4:12)
6. Mary Black - Bright Blue Rose (4:00)
7. Mary Black - Looking Forward (3:32)
8. Mary Black - Only A Woman's Heart (Feat. Emmylou Harris) (3:47)
9. Mary Black - Vanities (4:23)
10. Mary Black - The Loving Time (4:22)
11. Mary Black - Carolina Rua (2:34)
12. Mary Black - Ellis Island (5:18)

"Looking Back, Mary Black's 1995 collection of pop songs from four of her earlier albums, showcases the Irish folkie's eclectic, resonant work and includes two new tracks. Delicate and sensitive one minute, growling and defiant the next, Mary Black has the ability to turn herself inside out, getting into the heart and soul of the characters she sings about..."
Shine (1997) - 320 kbps

Лейбл: Dara Records (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 51 минута
1. Mary Black - Shine (4:40)
2. Mary Black - One and Only (4:03)
3. Mary Black - Almost Gone (3:37)
4. Mary Black - Nobody Lives Without Love (5:08)
5. Mary Black - I Misunderstood (3:50)
6. Mary Black - Trespass Shoes (5:24)
7. Mary Black - I Will Be There (4:24)
8. Mary Black - What Does It Matter (4:19)
9. Mary Black - Beautiful (4:16)
10. Mary Black - Late Night Radio (3:06)
11. Mary Black - By the Hour / Two Dancers in the Dark (8:15)

"Despite her illustrious history with the Irish music scene (most particularly with De Dannan), Mary Black has probably never delivered anything more mainstream than Shine. True, the occasional tin whistles, accordian and fiddles are an agreeable reminder underneath the Hollywood harmonies, but Shine will reassure those put off by any folky tag with it's accessibility and straight ahead poppiness..."
Rob Beattie
Song For Ireland (1998) - 320 kbps

Лейбл: Dara Records (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 42 минуты
1. Mary Black - Living Hannah (5:00)
2. Mary Black - Lea Boy's Lassie (2:32)
3. Mary Black - School Days Over (2:57)
4. Mary Black - Men Of Worth (3:59)
5. Mary Black - Both Sides The Tweed (4:39)
6. Mary Black - Colcannon (2:25)
7. Mary Black - The Shadow (3:38)
8. Mary Black - My Donald (2:58)
9. Mary Black - Ellis Island (5:21)
10. Mary Black - Then Goly Ground (4:26)
11. Mary Black - Song For Ireland (4:55)

"The latest CD from Mary Black is a welcome display of her roots and an appealing showcase for her dynamically emotive voice. Composed of cuts from her previous releases, a cut from The Black Family album, and another song recorded at a 1991 concert, this is a completely celtic music album loaded with exquisite selections..."
Kevin McCarthy
Speaking With The Angel (1999) - 320 kbps

Лейбл: Dara Records (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 51 минута
1. Mary Black - Turning Away (4:54)
2. Mary Black - Cut by Wire (4:28)
3. Mary Black - Don't Say Okay (3:54)
4. Mary Black - Bless the Road (3:44)
5. Mary Black - Broken Wings (5:32)
6. Mary Black - Fall at Your Feet (3:37)
7. Mary Black - Message of Love (4:04)
8. Mary Black - Moments (3:52)
9. Mary Black - Speaking with the Angel (3:26)
10. Mary Black - Big Trip to Portland (4:34)
11. Mary Black - I Live Not Where I Love (5:11)
12. Mary Black - Fields of Gold (4:17)

"Black's new effort is definitely folksy but also wonderfully varied. On the folk side, there are two songs by Dougie McLean, one of the chiefs of Scottish folk, including his popular anthem "Turning Away." Two other songs would have shone forth on her previous disk: the languid, jazzy "Fall at Your Feet" and "Don't Say Okay"..."
Garret Condon
"Calling upon an array of songwriters, Mary Black's latest release uses these lyrical talents to sensitively thread through matters of personal acknowledgment, co-existence, healing and renewal. Enjoining Black's marvelous vocal ability to these songs makes this one of the year's best offerings as she has the ability to both delicately take a song under her wing and also powerfully seize a tune and make it her own. She displays both gifts here..."
Kevin McCarthy
The Best of Mary Black 1991-2001 & Hidden Harvest [2 CD] (2001) - 320 kbps

Лейбл: Dara Records (Ireland)
Продолжительность: 1 час 58 минут
The Best of Mary Black 1991-2001:
1. Mary Black - Don`t Say OK (3:54)
2. Mary Black - Still Believing (3:43)
3. Mary Black - One & Only (4:03)
4. Mary Black - Wonder Child (3:59)
5. Mary Black - Turning Away (4:53)
6. Mary Black - The Dimming of Day (3:42)
7. Mary Black - Flesh & Blood (4:05)
8. Mary Black - Just a Journey (3:45)
9. Mary Black - The Circus (4:11)
10. Mary Black - Bless the Road (3:43)
11. Mary Black - I Will Be There (with Paul Brady) (4:22)
12. Mary Black - I Misunderstood (3:51)
13. Mary Black - Speaking with the Angel (3:25)
14. Mary Black - Summer Sent You (3:56)
15. Mary Black - The Loving Time (4:23)
16. Mary Black - Wildest Dreams (3:43)

Hidden Harvest:
1. Mary Black - Who Knows Where the Time Goes (4:28)
2. Mary Black - Ring Them Bells (Live with Joan Baez) (3:20)
3. Mary Black - Into the Blue (3:03)
4. Mary Black - Ae Fond Kiss (4:07)
5. Mary Black - Across the Universe (live with Noel Bridgeman) (4:41)
6. Mary Black - Good Morning Heartache (3:37)
7. Mary Black - Say a Little Prayer (live) (3:55)
8. Mary Black - If I Gave My Heart to You (with Shane Howard) (3:00)
9. Mary Black - Sonny (with Emmylou Harris & Dolores Keane) (4:12)
10. Mary Black - Once in a Very Blue Moon (live) (3:01)
11. Mary Black - Give a Little Now (4:44)
12. Mary Black - The Moon and St Christopher (live with Mary Chapin Carpenter) (4:19)
13. Mary Black - Bruach na Carraige Baine (with Seamus Begley) (4:55)
14. Mary Black - Without the Fanfare (live) (4:32)

Mary Black insists on making music that is full-bodied and refreshingly eclectic. She's a singer who's never confined herself to the predictable, whose appetite for adventure has blossomed in more recent years, wooing her down unlikely paths and boreens, to sample of the unlikeliest fruits imaginable.
Returning to the fray with a mammoth 16 song collection, drawn from the last decade of her career, Black's repertoire shines brighter than ever. The gods rarely smile so sweetly on singers, but Mary Black's been luckier than most in the riches she's inherited from writers as disparate as Jimmy McCarthy, Noel Brazil, Ron Sexsmith and Richard Thompson..."

Dara Records
Full Tide (2005) - VBR 256 kbps

Лейбл: The Music Plant (Japan)
Продолжительность: 53 минуты
1. Mary Black - The Land Of Love (4:09)
2. Mary Black - Lay Down Your Weary Tune (3:29)
3. Mary Black - Your Love (4:57)
4. Mary Black - Don't Let Me Come Home A Stranger (3:54)
5. Mary Black - The Real You (5:06)
6. Mary Black - Stand Up (4:20)
7. Mary Black - Full Moon (4:19)
8. Mary Black - Straight As A Die (3:28)
9. Mary Black - Sial A Ran (5:05)
10. Mary Black - St. Kilda Again (4:58)
11. Mary Black - To Make You Feel My Love (4:18)
12. Mary Black - Japanese Deluxe (Bonus Track) (5:32)

"Full Tide is Mary's first full studio album since 1999's Speaking With The Angel. This uncharacteristically long break from the recording studio had long-term fans of Mary worrying that she had nothing left to say and was perhaps losing interest in making music. Full Tide is a strong statement to counter any such fears, and is a timely reminder that Mary is still one of the finest voices to come out of Ireland..."
Mike Wilson
Twenty-Five Years - Twenty-Five Songs [2 CD] (2008) - VBR 256 kbps

Лейбл: 3u Records
Продолжительность: 1 час 50 минут
CD 1:
1. Mary Black - Katie (4:43)
2. Mary Black - Past The Point Of Rescue (3:20)
3. Mary Black - I Will Be There (4:19)
4. Mary Black - Sonny (Duet With Emmylou Harris & Dolores Keane) (4:09)
5. Mary Black - Carolina Rua (2:32)
6. Mary Black - Bright Blue Rose (4:00)
7. Mary Black - The Land Of Love (4:09)
8. Mary Black - Song For Ireland (5:01)
9. Mary Black - By The Time It Gets Dark (3:45)
10. Mary Black - Babes In The Wood (4:13)
11. Mary Black - Wonder Child (3:55)
12. Mary Black - Summer Sent You (3:55)
13. Mary Black - Rose Of Allendale (4:47)
14. Mary Black - Sweet Love (5:10)

1. Mary Black - No Frontiers (3:59)
2. Mary Black - Still Believing (3:44)
3. Mary Black - Once In A Very Blue Moon (2:36)
4. Mary Black (with Eleanor McEvoy) - Only A Woman's Heart (3:48)
5. Mary Black - Don't Say Ok (3:52)
6. Mary Black - As I Leave Behind Neidin (3:19)
7. Mary Black - Your Love (4:55)
8. Mary Black - Columbus (5:22)
9. Mary Black - Bless The Road (3:41)
10. Mary Black - Adam At The Window (4:18)
11. Mary Black - Anachie Gordon (6:26)
12. Mary Black - Flesh And Blood (4:14)
13. Mary Black - If I Have To Go (2:54)

Дополнительная информация:
Twenty-five years - Twenty-five songs (2008)
Full Tide (2005)
Mary Black Live (2003)
The Best Of Mary Black 1991-2001 & Hidden Harvest (2001)
Speaking With The Angel (1999)
Song For Ireland (USA) (1998)
Shine (1997)
Circus (USA) (1996)
Wonder Child (1996)
Looking Back (1995)
Circus (1995)
The Holy Ground (1993)
The Collection (1992)
Babes In The Wood (1991)
The Best Of Mary Black (1990)
No Frontiers (1989)
By The Time It Gets Dark (1987)
Without The Fanfare (1985)
Collected (1984)
Mary Black (1983)
Синглы и промо-записи
To Make You Feel My Love (2005)
Stand Up (2005)
Mary Black Live (2003)
Poison Tree (2002)
Into the Blue (2002)
Wildest Dreams (1999)
Moments (1999)
Don't Say OK (1999)
Gael Force (1997)
I Will Be There (UK) (1997)
I Will Be There (1997)
One and Only (1997)
I Will Be There (1997)
One and Only (USA) (1997)
Beautiful (1997)
One and Only (Ireland) (1997)
One and Only (Europe) (1997)
I Misunderstood (1997)
Columbus (1996)
In A Dream '96 Remix (1996)
Soul Sister (1995)
A Woman's Heart (w/ Emmylou Harris) (1995)
Wonder Child (1995)
Wonder Child (1995)
The Circus (1995)
Saw You Running (1994)
Summer Sent You (1993)
The Loving Time (1993)
Flesh And Blood (1993)
Celtic Flame (1992)
Babes In The Wood (1992)
Only A Woman's Heart (1992)
Only A Woman's Heart (1992)
No Frontiers (1992)
An Introduction to Mary Black (1992)
The Moon and St. Christopher (1992)
The Thorn Upon The Rose (1992)
Adam At The Window (1992)
Introducing Mary Black (1991)
Thorn Upon The Rose (1991)
Sonny (1991)
Adam At The Window (1991)
Adam At The Window (1991)
Still Believing (1991)
Another Day (1990)
No Frontiers (1990)
Vanities (1990)
No Frontiers (1989)
Carolina Rua (1989)
Past The Point Of Rescue (1989)
By The Time It Gets Dark (1988)
Once in a Very Blue Moon (1987)
Katie (1987)
As I Leave Behind Neidin (1986)
Ellis Island (1986)
Diamond Days (1985)
Men of Worth (1984)
Love's Endless War (1984)
Crusader (1983)
Lovin' You (1983)
The Rose of Allendale (1982)
Огромное спасибо nochek за Babes In The Wood и No Frontiers!
Mary Black - Коллекция
Mary Black - Коллекция
Количество DVD 1 шт.
Тип упаковки Пластиковый бокс
Вес товара с упаковкой (г) 0.12
Mary Black - Коллекция - это сборник лучших песен ирландской певицы Мэри Блэк, которая считается одной из самых талантливых и популярных исполнительниц в жанре фолк-музыки. В этом диске собраны ее самые известные хиты, такие как "No Frontiers", "Song for Ireland", "Katie", "Bright Blue Rose" и многие другие. Мэри Блэк начала свою карьеру в 1980-х годах и с тех пор выпустила множество альбомов, которые получили высокие оценки критиков и поклонников. Ее голос считается одним из самых красивых и эмоциональных в мире музыки, а ее песни о любви, жизни и ирландской культуре стали настоящими классиками. Этот диск - отличный выбор для всех, кто любит фолк-музыку и ищет качественную и мелодичную музыку. Он также может стать прекрасным подарком для друзей и близких, которые ценят настоящее искусство. Купите Mary Black - Коллекция и наслаждайтесь прекрасной музыкой этой талантливой певицы!
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